Thursday, March 10, 2011


This lady cracks me up! Her biting humor really gets down to the heart of things. Here are some of her best. I would encourage you to visit her website: and read the entire article from which these quotes

*Can we stop acting as if people who work for the government are the heroes of working people? As George Bernard Shaw concluded his famous quip, "Now, we're just negotiating over the price." (SIX-FIGURE BUS DRIVERS AND OTHER WORKING-CLASS HEROES, March 9, 2011)

*For Democrats, the purpose of government is to generously provide jobs for people who otherwise couldn't be hired -- because their skills, attitude or sense of entitlement are considered undesirable in the private sector. And no, I'm not just talking about Barack Obama. (Uncivil Unions, March 2, 2011)

*There could be two students per class, and the Democrats would still be campaigning for "smaller class size," so that the government would be required to hire more public school teachers to staff classes with one student.
(Uncivil Unions, March 2, 2011)

*While taxpayers groan under their tax burdens, one group of voters is constantly lobbying for higher taxes: government employees, who are paid by the taxpayer. (Uncivil Unions, March 2, 2011)

*The need for a union comes down to this question: Do you have a boss who wants you to work harder for less money? In the private sector, the answer is yes. In the public sector, the answer is a big, fat NO.
(LOOK FOR THE UNION FABLE, February 23, 2011)

*Democratic politicians don't think of themselves as "management." They don't respond to union demands for more money by saying, "Are you kidding me?" They say, "Great -- get me a raise too!"
(LOOK FOR THE UNION FABLE, February 23, 2011)

*For decades now, the Democrats have had a good gig buying the votes of government workers with outrageous salaries, benefits and work rules -- and then sticking productive earners with the bill. (LOOK FOR THE UNION FABLE, February 23, 2011)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Networks Allow Scant Coverage of Obama's 'Stunning Reversal' on Guantanamo, Harassed Bush.

The three evening newscasts on Monday and the morning shows on Tuesday mostly ignored Barack Obama's abandonment of a campaign pledge to close Guantanamo Bay and end trials of detainees there. NBC's Today, CBS's Early Show and ABC's Good Morning America all covered the story only in news briefs. Yet, when President Bush was in the White House, the networks obsessed over the issue. Today's Ann Curry called the move to resume military trials there a "stunning reversal," but the network allowed just two brief anchor reads during the four hour program. ABC almost completely ignored the development. Monday's World News skipped the topic entirely.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


* The Wall Street Journal

* FEBRUARY 8, 2011

'I Didn't Raise Taxes Once' Refreshing the President's memory.

Bill O'Reilly's Fox interview with President Obama on Sunday was fascinating, and not merely because Mr. Obama made clear he's an ardent fan of these pages. What really caught our attention was the President's claim that "I didn't raise taxes once. I lowered taxes over the last two years."

The Presidency is demanding, and with the Egypt mess and his other duties, perhaps Mr. Obama has forgotten some of his tax achievements. Allow us to refresh his memory. In his historic health-care bill, for example, there is the new $27 billion "fee" on drug companies that is already in effect. Next year, device manufacturers will get hit to the tune of $20 billion, and heath insurers will pay $60 billion starting in 2014—all of which are de facto tax increases because these collections will be passed on to consumers as higher costs. Of course, these are merely tax increases on business.

As for tax increases on individuals, perhaps he forgot the health-care bill's new 0.9 percentage point increase in the Medicare payroll tax for families making over $250,000 and singles over $200,000. That tax increase takes effect in 2013, as will the application of what will be a 3.8% Medicare surtax (up from 2.9% today) to "unearned income" for the first time. This is a tax hike on investment and interest income, which will reduce the incentive to save and invest.

Mr. Obama also told Mr. O'Reilly that he hasn't moved to the "center" since November's Democratic election defeat, saying "I'm the same guy." Save for a couple of tactical retreats that he couldn't avoid, we agree with him. As the President said recently in the State of the Union, he's going to insist on raising taxes again on people making over $200,000 when his deal with Republicans in Congress expires in 2012. Definitely the same guy.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Can you believe the unmitigated arrogance of these lying hypocrites who are at the reins of our country's economic future...and the futures of our grandchildren!

Here was then-Senator Obama in 2006, when debt was apparently a far larger problem - even though the ceiling was only(!) $9 trillion at the time, knocking Pres Bush for being a failure for his leadership.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

As of December 31, 2010, the "Total public debt outstanding" was $14.0 trillion and was approximately 99.3% of 2009's fiscal year-end annual GDP of $14.1 trillion.  How's that for leadership?

How the hell can this Liar-in-Chief sleep at night when his bold, 2-faced lies are a matter of public record and laid out so clearly showing all of America that he is truly the king of hypocrisy?  When are people going to wake up and realize that he is the biggest LIAR ever to show his face before the American people?  Remember the old joke:  How can you tell Obama is lying?  His mouth is open!!  Well it's no longer a joke...IT'S A FACT!

Then there is this all-time greatest hypocrite/liar ever...Nancy Pelosi!  As I said in my previous posting, she is without a doubt the worst person ever to hold the post of Speaker of the House.  When the Democrats took over Congress in 2006, their approval rating was only 31 percent. Nancy Pelosi said she wanted to reverse that, and she did. It is now 13 percent.  Way to go Pelosi!  That's probably the only promise she's kept.

Then in her final speech as Speaker she has the brazen nerve to make us try to believe she was the Mother Theresa of Democratic politicions. WTF!  Check this out:

I only wish her final moments as Speaker of the House ended like this clip shown below...because it would be totally symbolic of what the country thought of her term  as House Speaker:


Monday, September 6, 2010


These guys will say anything at anytime to support their positions.  What a pack of two-faced lying hypocrites!

If this jerk gets re-elected in his home state--Nevada--then that state will win the award for the dumbest state in the country.

Monday, August 16, 2010


No fact checking here by the media.  They just believe everything that spews out of this liar's mouth!

Does he even know the difference between truth and fabrication?

Were there no reporters who double checked these statements and called the party on this?   
They did for everyone else.  Why not him? 
Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (Obama's father)
Born 4/4/36
Died 11/24/82 at the age of 46
He was 5 years old when WW 2 started, and less than 9.5 years old when it ended.
Lolo Soetoro (Obama's step father)
Born 1935
Died 3/2/87 at the age of 52
He was 6 years old when WW 2 started, and 10 years old when it ended.
One of these guys must have been the youngest Veteran in the war.
Watch the video.
WHAT A LIAR!!!!  And the media doesn't say anything.
If you doubt it, Google both of these guys.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


The number of U.S. workers filing new claims for unemployment insurance unexpectedly rose to its highest level in close to six months, a fresh signal of a weak jobs market.

The number of new claims for jobless benefits rose 2,000 to 484,000 in the week ended August 7, the second straight increase, Labor Department data showed on Thursday.
"This is not a good number," said John Brady, an analyst at MF Global in Chicago. "Claims are going the wrong way. That has the market concerned."

The data comes two days after the Federal Reserve downgraded its assessment of the economy's health and said it would take steps to ensure its support for the fragile economic recovery does not wane.

U.S. stock index futures added to losses, while U.S. Treasury debt prices pared losses following the data.  The jobless claims data is the latest in a series of releases which indicate the pace of the economic recovery is slowing.

Economists have been ratcheting down estimates for second-quarter economic growth after data on trade and inventories for June suggested it was not as strong as earlier thought.
The government estimated last month the economy advanced at a 2.4 percent annualized pace in the April-June quarter, far more slowly than the 3.7 percent pace of the first quarter, and now some economists believe the economy may have grown at less than half that rate.
