Saturday, May 15, 2010


I could'nt have said this better myself!  Thanks to Nikki Richards for this gem  (

If ever there was a PHD in blaming, a masters in blame ed, a bachelors in blame art, a king of blameland, a President of blameville, a sultan of blameistan, a guru of blameology, a prime minister of blamolia, the Czar of blamehood, a pimp for the blame, a pusher of blame drugs, an addict of crack co-blame, a blazer of blame trails, a real housewife of blame City, a resident of blame avenue, the next blame network star and the winner of blame Idol, it would be Barack I blame my mama Obama. He is the grand master daddy of the blame and I love it that the Barack Iblame Bushama points those skinny fingerling's at other blamers. I like the blame. I am for blame legislation. I think it should be mandated to blame everyone but whomever lives in the White House because when you live there you are the equivelant to the pope, or dare I say, Jesus. Blame the weather, blame the banks, blame the consumers, blame the citizens, blame the media, blame the republicans, blame the racists, blame global warming, blame global cooling, blame the fat kids, blame the devil, blame wall street, blame GEORGE W. BUSH, but good grief Charlie Brown DO NOT blame Barry!! "The finger pointing must stop!" exclaims President Obama, "It's making me look really, really bad guys." No President O'blame-ya, you make you look bad. Stop trying to play Miss Julie with the Oil dudes and do something other than give a speech about how we all suck and you rock. Or go play golf for 2 years and leave the country alone. You have done enough to muck America up. I would rather you just redbox your way through the rest of your Presidency at this point. Oops...blamed. My bad.

What a pile of horse-squeeze!  When was the last time he looked back on one of his speeches?  In fact,  just last week he blamed unemployment (nearly 10%) on George Bush and all we have heard for two years from him and the Dems blaming all their failures on Bush.  It won't be long before he declares that this is Bush's fault too (actually Chris Mathews blamed it on Cheney the other day...guess thats close enough) Can't wait until these morons get voted out of office.

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