Monday, July 19, 2010


The Pathological Liar-in-Chief has more lies exposed.  This from a recent posting by Neal Boortz explains the deceit and falsities in his plans.


The ObamaCare health insurance mandate was a tax? NOW you tell me!
It seems to me that when Obama was pushing to pass ObamaCare, the Democrats denied the fact that requiring Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty was creating a new tax. Here's a little refresher. This was an interview with George Stephanopoulos which took place in September of 2009. PrezBo said: "The -- for us to say that you've got to take a responsibility to get health insurance is absolutely not a tax increase. What it's saying is, is that we're not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you anymore than the fact that right now everybody in America, just about, has to get auto insurance. Nobody considers that a tax increase. People say to themselves, that is a fair way to make sure that if you hit my car, that I'm not covering all the costs." Now let's flash to summer 2010 when ObamaCare is being challenged by more than 20 states in the courts. The Obama Administration needs and excuse for the law forcing people to buy health insurance, and they've found one. Now, suddenly, it's a TAX! That's tight, the health care mandate is actually a TAX and the government's "power to lay and collect taxes" is all the authorization they need! Amazing how the tune changes when they are backed up against the wall and are forced to defend the law based on our Constitution and not Obama logic.

But that's not all we are learning in the months following the passage of ObamaCare. This from the New York Times, "As the Obama administration begins to enact the new national health care law, the country's biggest insurers are promoting affordable plans with reduced premiums that require participants to use a narrower selection of doctors or hospitals .. The tradeoff, they say, is that more Americans will be asked to pay higher prices for the privilege of choosing or keeping their own doctors if they are outside the new networks. That could come as a surprise to many who remember the repeated assurances from President Obama and other officials that consumers would retain a variety of health-care choices and that you would be able to keep your doctor if you wished to. Surprise? Not for anyone who knew the consequences of a system that limits competition and mandates participation. But then they probably don't teach these concepts in government schools.

We're still not through. How about ObamaCare's effect on government agencies like the IRS. The IRS, you will remember, is expected to enforce these news laws and regulations. This from the Wall Street Journal, "National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson, who operates inside the IRS, highlighted the agency's new mission in her annual report to Congress last week .. She notes that the IRS is already 'greatly taxed'--pun intended?--'by the additional role it is playing in delivering social benefits and programs to the American public,' like tax credits for first-time homebuyers or purchasing electric cars. Yet with ObamaCare, the agency is now responsible for 'the most extensive social benefit program the IRS has been asked to implement in recent history.' And without 'sufficient funding' it won't be able to discharge these new duties." The IRS can't handle the workload so the only option is more money. Taxpayers .. bend over!

Hey you filthy rich people earning over $200,000 a year .. did you know that ObamaCare has another hidden tax that you may not know about? Section 1402, "Unearned Income Medicare Contribution," imposes a 3.8% tax on profits from the sale of real estate -- residential or investment, but it is only levied on people earning over $200,000 a year. Fun stuff, isn't it?

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Wondering why the Democrat's great new Financial Overhaul Bill doesn't apply to automobile dealers? One word .. Lobbyists. Didn't Obama tell us that lobbyists were going to be on the outs under his rule? Oh well .....once a liar, always a liar.  And lately everything this Presidential idiot does or says is a lie!


Friday, July 16, 2010


Writing in the New York Times in November 2003, Austan Goolsbee, then a professor at the University of Chicago, flamboyantly accused the government of "cooking" the books regarding unemployment.  "The situation has grown so dire," he said, "that we can't even tell whether the job market is recovering. The time has come to correct the official unemployment statistics to account for those left out."

Professor Goolsbee is now a top economic advisor to President Obama. Would he admit that the official jobless of 9.5% grossly underestimates the pain of job losses in America and do something to correct the situation?  Findings in recent IBD/TIPP polls suggest that now would be a good time to undertake such a project.

According to Labor Department data, the civilian labor force in June totaled 153.7 million people, 14.6 million (9.5%) of whom were unemployed. But in the latest IBD/TIPP poll conducted last week, 28.6% of respondents said at least one member of their household is unemployed and looking for work. This number for June was 27.8% and for May 28%.
When we project our household job-seekers rate and calculate the share of Americans who are unemployed and looking for work, we get a job-seeker rate of 24.1% for July for a total of 37 million Americans vs. the government's aforementioned 14.6 million.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Obama: Socialist, Liar and now...Egomaniac-in-Chief

Charles Krauthammer, the syndicated columnist based in Washington, commented recently on the "Egomaniac-in-Chief."    He pointed out how Obama habitually refers to Cabinet members and other high government officials as "my" — "my secretary of homeland security," "my national security team," "my ambassador." The more normal — and respectful — usage is to say "the," as in "the secretary of state." These are, after all, public officials sworn to serve the nation and the Constitution — not just the man who appointed them.

It's a stylistic detail, but quite revealing of Obama's exalted view of himself. Not surprising, perhaps, in a man whose major achievement before acceding to the presidency was writing two biographies — both about himself.

Obama is not the first president with a large streak of narcissism. But the others had equally expansive feelings about their country. Obama's modesty about America would be more understandable if he treated himself with the same reserve. What is odd is to have a president so convinced of his own magnificence — yet not of his own country's.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


The Liar-in-Chief gave another speech on the economy and creation of jobs a few days ago at the White House.  It's nothing new: he's been telling these lies since 2008.

He said:  "Growth won't come from an economy where prosperity is based on fleeting bubbles of consumption, of debt. You can't rely on paper gains.  We've seen where that led us and we're not going back.  If we want to once again approach full employment and fuel real economic growth, then we need an end to the policies that got us here.  We need to lay a new and stronger foundation on which businesses can thrive and create jobs and rising incomes."

Can you believe this hypocrisy?  He's laid "a new and stronger foundation." 

Rush Limbaugh said this about BO's comment:  "it seems to me, Mr. President, that we have already laid this "new stronger foundation,"... yours, and it's a disaster.  We're not going back?  We're gonna fuel real economic growth? We need to end the policies that got us here?  You ended those policies a long time ago, Mr. President.  The "policies that got us here" are yours, and you haven't ended your policies.  Mr. Obama's policies are the reason we are where we are economically."

RIGHT ON, RIGHT ON!    Again, Rush is right!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


"The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."
                   -----------Alexis de Tocqueville, author of Democracy in America

And that is exactly what our Liar-in-Chief is doing to us with his Stimulus Bill, TARP, Cap & Trade Plan, etc.  Did you realize that only about 45% of the "emergency" stimulus fund has been spent?  The rest will be used to help Dems in their re-election campaigns.  THAT'S RIGHT...OUR MONEY!

Friday, July 2, 2010


"I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes."

Well, he's already broken that pledge....but wait 'til next year.  You ain't seen nuthin' yet!

Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 are set to expire at the end of 2010. Thus, if Congress doesn’t act, the relatively low income tax rates that we’ve been enjoying will soon be a thing of the past. They will be replaced by the pre-2001 tax brackets. In other words, the 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33% and 35% tax brackets that we’ve grown accustomed to will be replaced by 15%, 28%, 31%, 36%, and 39.6% brackets. It’s hard to say exactly where the income cutoffs will lie, but if we base the numbers on the 2010 income tax brackets and add 3% for inflation, the 2011 tax brackets might look something like this:
Tax Bracket Married Filing Jointly Single
15% Bracket $0 – $70,040 $0 – $35,020
28% Bracket $70,040 – $141,419 $35,020 – $84,872
31% Bracket $141,419 – $215,528 $84,872 – $177,006
36% Bracket $215,528 – $384,860 $177,006 – $384,860
39.6% Bracket Over $384,860 Over $384,860

Capital gains tax changes

Beyond the increased federal income tax brackets, the capital gains tax rates will also be changing (and not for the better). The top rate for long-term capital gains will be rising from 15% to 20%, and the 0% rate for those in the lowest tax brackets will be replaced by a 10% long-term capital gains rate.

So much for "pledges" from this pathological LIAR!