Thursday, July 8, 2010


The Liar-in-Chief gave another speech on the economy and creation of jobs a few days ago at the White House.  It's nothing new: he's been telling these lies since 2008.

He said:  "Growth won't come from an economy where prosperity is based on fleeting bubbles of consumption, of debt. You can't rely on paper gains.  We've seen where that led us and we're not going back.  If we want to once again approach full employment and fuel real economic growth, then we need an end to the policies that got us here.  We need to lay a new and stronger foundation on which businesses can thrive and create jobs and rising incomes."

Can you believe this hypocrisy?  He's laid "a new and stronger foundation." 

Rush Limbaugh said this about BO's comment:  "it seems to me, Mr. President, that we have already laid this "new stronger foundation,"... yours, and it's a disaster.  We're not going back?  We're gonna fuel real economic growth? We need to end the policies that got us here?  You ended those policies a long time ago, Mr. President.  The "policies that got us here" are yours, and you haven't ended your policies.  Mr. Obama's policies are the reason we are where we are economically."

RIGHT ON, RIGHT ON!    Again, Rush is right!

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