Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Liar-in-Chief Loses Another One for the Team!

Our Liar-in-Chief once more proved to be a monumental failure in achieving his objectives.  THANK GOD (excuse the expression) for that!

Just look at his recent record:
  • Traveled to Copenhagen to get Olympics for Chicago. 
  •  FAILED!
  • Travel to Copenhagen to get some grand global warming treaty.
  • Campaigned in Virginia for Democrat Creigh Deeds for Governor. Republican Bob McDonnell won. 
  •  FAILED!
  • Campaigned in New Jersey for Corzine for Governor. Rep. Chris Christie wins. 
  •  FAILED!
  • Campaigned in Massachusetts for Martha Coakley for senate seat of Ted Kennedy. Scott Brown wins.  
This guy is a big LOSER!  And it seems to me that the worse thing that can happen to a Democrat candidate for office right now is to have BO make a campaign speech on his/her behalf.  Actually it's like becoming a KISS OF DEATH!

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