Sunday, January 17, 2010

So I Guess its OK for Church and State to be Combined if Used for Democratic Promotions

Obama Ties Passage of Health Insurance Bill to American 'Decency'
(What the hell does he know or care  about decency?)

As Democratic fears increase that health insurance reform could slip away with a crucial vote for a new U.S. senator in Massachusetts, President Obama on Sunday used a church pulpit at a Martin Luther King Day service to say the massive health bill would be a victory for "decency."

Speaking to congregants at Vermont Avenue Baptist church in Washington, D.C., before heading north to rally for Attorney General Martha Coakley, Obama said the legislation will help more than 30 million Americans, "men women and children, mothers and fathers" to get insurance.

(No it won't Mr. Liar-in-Chief.  It will reduce Medicare Benefits, give more power over our lives to unions and government, and hurt us financially.  If it is so good for us, how come you lied to us when you said C-Span would cover the House/Senate Hearings).
"This will be a victory not for Democrats," Obama said. "It will be a victory for dignity and decency, and for our common humanity. It will be a victory for the United States of America."  (Liar, Liar, Liar!  It would be a huge victory for the Democratic Party and the Unions that control them)

It was the president's first visit to a church in Washington, D.C., since Oct. 11, though the White House says Obama attends the Evergreen Chapel in Camp David when he visits the presidential retreat in rural Maryland.
(Oh, sure, we're gonna believe that!  But maybe that's where he keeps his prayer rug.)

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