Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Thanks to Neal Boortz for imparting this bit of wisdom about our Liar-in-Chief

Has Robert Gibbs managed to find the Republican's alternative to healthcare yet? I mean, c'mon folks ... did you hear Obama's press secretary the other day? He actually had the gonads to get up and say: "The president posted ideas of his on the White House website today. We hope Republicans will post their ideas either on their website, or we'd be happy to post them on ours, so that the American people could come to one location and find out the parameters of what will largely be discussed on Thursday."

The problem? The Republicans do have a plan listed on their website. In fact, their plan has been online since October. Not only that, but if you go to you will see that the White House has even posted a link to the GOP plan. So ... what is going on here? After all, this isn't the first time that the Obama administration has told you that that the Republicans don't have any plans on healthcare. It doesn't help that the ObamaMedia continues to perpetuate this myth.
Odd, isn't it?

Here's what's going on. The Obama Administration is more than willing to flat-out lie if it will help them move forward with their plan to seize about 17% of the nation's economy. They know that if they continue to say that the Republicans have no plan - if they continue to hammer home the lie that the Republicans haven't put anything on their website - most of the people out there will just simply believe them. Very few people will say "Hey, I wonder if he's telling us the truth here. I think I'll go check the Republican website for myself." Ain't gonna happen, and Robert Gibbs knows it.

The truth? GOP lawmakers have proposed more than 30 of their own bills. Rep. Tom Price and fellow House Republicans of the Republican Study Committee have proposed all of these bills within the last year: H.R. 77; H.R. 109; H.R. 198; H.R. 270; H.R. 321; H.R. 464; H.R. 502; H.R. 544; H.R. 917; H.R. 1086; H.R. 1118; H.R. 1441; H.R. 1458; H.R. 1468; H.R. 1658; H.R. 1891; H.R. 2520; H.R. 2607; H.R. 2692; H.R. 2784; H.R. 2785; H.R. 2786; H.R. 2787; H.R. 3141; H.R. 3217; H.R. 3218; H.R. 3356; H.R. 3372; H.R. 3400; H.R. 3438; H.R. 3454; and H.R. 3478.

That is on top of all of the Republican amendments that the Democrats systematically rejected throughout this debate. This is an enlightening reminder of the Republican amendments to healthcare reform that were flat out rejected by Democrats.

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