Saturday, February 13, 2010


(Re-posted with permission from the Beach Bum Crier Blog: )

Our Liar-in-Chief, President BO, has signed a law that will allow the U.S. to borrow nearly $2 trillion more than before.  The sneak signed the bill Friday night at the White House with little public the hope that all us older folks would already be asleep, and the younger ones would be going out to begin their weekend partying, thus no one would notice the additional burden he added onto the mountain of debt he has already burdened us and our grandkids with.

The maximum debt the U.S. can carry is now $14.3 trillion. The U.S. was already poised to exceed the previous maximum.   The report states that change comes at a time when the American public is increasingly concerned about the government deficits.  GEE, NO SH*T!  Wonder how they got that idea?

In an attempt calm those fears, the bill also included a "pay-as-you-go" provision.  Originally enacted in the 1990s, the law requires any new spending or tax cut to be offset by tax increases or spending cuts elsewhere.

In his weekly radio and internet lecture to us on Saturday,  BO praised the "pay-as-you-go" law, saying it was how a "responsible family or business" manages money. But I'm left wondering how he would know.  He's never run or managed a business.  All he knows about is being a "community organizer."  And since he has not proposed any spending cuts, that can only mean we can expect more tax increases up the wazoo to pay for this (but his immature little testicles haven't descended far enough yet to tell us directly that that is what this deviousness means).

Again,  the Liar-in-Chief used his address to blame the current debt and deficits on the previous administration of  George W. Bush and the U.S. congress during his tenure.   But what this fool of a president seems to forget (conveniently so) is that only congress can approve expenditures, and congress has been controlled by Democrats since 2007.  So why doesn't he blame his own party for the reckless run-up in our debt (and rundown in our economy) for the last 3 years?

Isn't it time for this immature, man-child to stop blaming Bush and Republicans for everything wrong with our country today and face up to the fact that this is all the result of his economic policies, and the reckless spending of his dumbass congresses (think Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid).  Here are the real facts in a nutshell:  In JANUARY, 2007, WHEN THE DEMS TOOK CONTROL OF CONGRESS, THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE WAS 4.6% WHEREAS NOW IT IS 10%, THE BUDGET DEFICIT WAS $161 BILLION AND NOW IT IS $1.5 TRILLION (ALMOST A TEN-FOLD INCREASE), AND THE NATIONAL DEBT WAS $8.7 TRILLION (OR ABOUT $40,000 PER CITIZEN) WHEREAS NOW IT WILL BE $14.3 TRILLION WITH THIS NEW INCREASE.

Look BO, it's long past time to stop blaming Bush for everything including the skid marks in your underpanties and tell the people that it's you who is f*#king-up America!  AND NOT ANYONE ELSE.


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