Monday, March 15, 2010


As we all are aware now, this mope of a president lies every time he opens his mouth.  But his bullshit about financing his healthcare plan is his biggest--and potentially--most damaging pile of lies to date. Neal Boortz says he is going to try to explain some of the lies that Obama and the Democrats are telling the nation about the cost of ObamaCare. According to Boortz, Obama has a tough problem. He promised that ObamaCare would not increase our deficit by one dime. Well he knows that it will - anyone with the brains of a mongoose knows that it will - so he needs a narrative that will work for just a week or two that some of the more intellectually challenged people in this country will buy .... will buy until it's too late.

I'm beating my head against the keyboard here ... let's see of I can come up with another way to explain some of these points;  Obama is touting the fact that the Congressional Budget Office is estimating that Obamacare (The Senate Version) will reduce the budget by $118 billion over 10 years. Fine ... let's look at that.

 First ... (and I'm guessing 95% of the American people don't realize this), Over the first 10 years, ObamaCare will provide only six years of benefits, though the new taxes will be levied for the entire 10 years. Would you lease a new car if you were told that your lease payments would begin immediately but you wouldn't be able to actually get the car for four years, and then you would only be able to drive it for six? What is the salesman going to use those four years of payments for? OK ... follow me on this. Your lease is up right now. You need to lease a new car for 10 years. One lease company tells you that the new lease is going to cost you $400 per month of $48,000 over the term of the lease. You go to another dealership and there you find a salesman who tells you that he can bring that cost down. Under his lease deal you're only going to have to pay $350 per month. This means that over 10 years you are going to save $6,000. Wow! What a deal! Trouble is, you can't pick up the car until you've been making these payments for four years. Ten years of payments - six years of benefits. Sure ... who can't save money that way?
Oh .. by the way, during those first four years you're going to have to find something to drive, aren't you? You think that will be free? Well, it's not exactly like your health care is going to be free for the next four years until ObamaCare kicks in, is it?
Then there's this ... Much of the money the Democrats are using to claim deficit reduction with ObamaCare come from increases in Medicare and Social Security taxes. There are also some taxes that will be collected up front to pay for the CLASS Act ... a long-term care entitlement program buried in the Senate bill. These extra taxes are needed to pay for these entitlements. If you borrow them from the trust funds for Social Security, Medicare and the CLASS act you are merely increasing debt. Is that the way we want to play this? We borrow money from future generations of Americans and
Next ... The Democrats will tell you that the CBO says ObamaCare will reduce the deficit by $1 trillion in the second decade. The CBO denies this. According to the CBO the "uncertainties involved are simply too great" to make a prediction.
"Insurance premiums will fall" Oh really? How's that? Subsidies, that's how. The government will take money from one sector of our private economy and give it to people to pay part of their insurance premiums. What's more, the Democrats are calling this a "tax cut." Think about that. Under ObamaCare, subsidies become "tax cuts." No .. premiums won't fall. They'll go up. But when the government seizes money from someone else and gives it to you to pay health insurance premiums, in your world the premiums are going down.

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