Tuesday, March 23, 2010


On the campaign trail President Obama said the "public will have five days to look at every bill that lands on my desk" before he signs it into law.  Well he lied to us again about this healthcare bill...as he has done so many times before.  Since the Bill was approved late Sunday night, and he is signing it today (Tuesday), there is a bit of a disconnect there.  He magically changed 120 hours into 36.  Gee, I wonder how that could happen judging from the moral integrity of this Liar-in-Chief!  I wish he could reduce our deficits similarly.

Obama promised sunlight is the best disinfectant??? Too bad people in Washington don't wear sunglasses- the sun never shines there. He lied to America. This is NOT a more open and transparent government.  It is a closed-door, secret-meetings, sneaky-snakes, liars and cheats type of government.  And did you pay attention to the morons in the background cheering wildly as they swallowed every syllable of his bullshit?

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