Thursday, April 8, 2010


Check out this video compilation, “The Media's Public Enemy No. 1: Critics of ObamaCare,” with the most-outrageous instances of journalists painting the tea party movement, talk radio, and Republicans as dangerous radicals inciting violence against Democrats. I guess they forgot all about their hate filled rhetoric and campaign posters against George Bush in the 2004 election campaign (See my post of  9/19/09 regarding Dem Hate Speech).  Here's an example:

These people blatantly lie through their teeth. Are they stupid (in Olbermann's case, the answer is YES) or just dummy puppets for their liberal bosses?  I noted in all these reports that not one example was given of that which they are talking about.  NOT ONE!  As if we are to blindly accept what they are telling us!

This is all made-up "hooey. It is a bunch of unproven lies made up to follow along with Democratic talking points distributed the media myrmidons.  These people have no shame or dignity.  I believe they are making this an issue to deflect criticism away from the healthcare bill which BO just signed. Here's the best evidence -- in a video highlighting how the three broadcast networks and the cable channels all jumped on board the bandwagon of smearing conservatives as angry hate-mongers, in order to discredit broad-based legitimate opposition to the unpopular legislation.

Check it for yourself at:

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