Thursday, June 24, 2010


I'm sure you know by now that Obama relieved Gen. Stanley McChrystal of his command of the war in Afghanistan Wednesday because of insubordinate remarks by him and his aides in a Rolling Stone article published earlier this week.  But can you believe that this incompetent boob of a president is replacing McChrystal with Gen. David Petraeus....that’s right, this very same Gen. David Petraeus who was pillarized by the Bush hating senate Obamazombies and it's media minions for being a "sock puppet" for President Bush.

Strangely enough,, the media face of the far-left, still had this Sept. 2007 ad up as of June 18, according to their Google cache. But if you go to now, it’s gone. They kept it there for almost 3 years before taking it down....all of a sudden!

That's curious, wouldn't you say? You should check out the YouTube videos from the 2007 hearings on the viciousness of the Democrats against Petraeus---especially the lecture and grilling of the general by then senator, BO, who didn't even give Petraeus much of an opportunity to respond!  They just hated Bush so much that they were willing to sacrifice the security of our armed forces, and our country, to satisfy their own political ideology.

Now however, the BO media corp is promoting the word "brilliant" to falsify the Liar-in-Chiefs selection of Petraeus!  That's right...can you freakin believe the hypocrisy?  The media myrmidons: Chris Matthews, Olbermann, Schultz, Maddow, NBC,  ABC, CBS, MSNBC, et al, are drooling all over themselves when describing what a "brilliant" move this was by the Presidential Boob.

George Bush was portrayed as an idiot back in 2007 for nominating Gen. Petraeus (and for everything else he did).  So now they are trying to backtrack to make BO's appointment of Petraeus look like Jesus delivering the sermon on the mount!

So they blame Bush for everything wrong with the BO presidency, but do you see anyone giving Bush credit for picking out the best qualified general to run the war in the middle East?  And now they praise Petraeus for being the second coming of Christ, and have no choice but to acknowledge that Bush was right to appoint Petraeus...BUT THEY  ARE TRYING TO GIVE THE INCOMPETENT ONE ALL THE CREDIT FOR IT!  WHAT BLATANT LIARS AND HYPOCRITES THESE OBAMACRATS ARE!


Sunday, June 20, 2010


   This dope...and Liar-in-Chief... has said he is "COMMITTED" to doing all he can to help prevent damage to the Gulf Coast from the oil spill.  His strategy must involve Pina Coladas and reading comic books. 
What an A-hole!                            

This dickwad is also committed to help him save our state's making a first hand inspection.  Can you please give us a break?

 So guys, if you're so freakin' committed hows about waiving the Jones Act (like Bush did within 4 days after Katrina), and getting the Coast Guard to stop the inane routine safety inspections of the skimming barges that are actually doing something positive to help try and save the environment!!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


"Don't mistake activity for achievement."................Coach John Wooden

Shortly after he assumed office last year, the Pathological Liar-in-Chief instituted a pay freeze for top White House Aides earning more than $100,000, saying this would "restore that faith in government without which we cannot deliver the changes we were sent here to make."
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According to an editorial in yesterday's Washington Examiner, under the Obama administration, the government is doing such a good job that it's decided to reward itself. Last year, Uncle Sam paid out $408 million in bonuses to 1.3 million federal workers, according to the Asbury Park Press, which obtained the information through a Freedom of Information Act request. That's about $80 million more than the previous year. About one in four federal workers received a bonus, and awards ranged from $25 to, in the case of one lucky State Department worker, $94,500.

That $408 million figure only counts bonuses that were handed out to about 65 percent of the federal work force. The FOI request didn't cover awards handed out by the Defense and Treasury departments, security agencies, the White House, Congress and various other federal agencies and commissions. In 2008, the last year information was available, the Department of Defense alone handed out $92 million in bonuses to its 687,000 employees.
Federal bonuses are being doled out liberally, even as federal salaries are exploding. From December 2007 through June 2009, the number of federal workers earning six figures increased from 14 to 19 percent. In 2008, average federal compensation, including pay and benefits, was $119,982 -- considerably more than the $59,909 average in the private sector, according to the Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the midst of a brutal economic downturn that saw millions of jobs lost and unemployment soar above 10 percent, the Office of Personnel Management data shows the federal workforce actually added nearly 100,000 jobs from December 2008 to December 2009.
In theory, introduction of bonuses and pay-for-performance measures in the federal workforce was a positive reform. However, this boom in federal bonuses suggests an "all carrot and no stick" approach to federal performance. For bureaucrats, job security is a non-issue, and they already earn twice as much as an average American just for showing up to work.

Shortly after he assumed office last year, Obama instituted a pay freeze for top White House Aides earning more than $100,000, saying this would "restore that faith in government without which we cannot deliver the changes we were sent here to make." The president made it clear that he knows egregious federal salaries are a problem, yet he's done little beyond this symbolic gesture to address the problem. Actually doing something to rein in the runaway federal bureaucracy would be change taxpayers can believe in.

Monday, June 14, 2010


According to ABC News, Liar-in-Chief Obama is now reacting to the BP oil mess in precisely the way he said he didn't need to. After weeks of insisting that bringing rhetorical heat on BP executives wouldn't get anything done, that's just what he's starting to do. (Just like the typical hypocrite)

Now, a president who's known for his cool is looking for butts to kick. He's meeting with the same executives whose direct input he said he didn't think he needed, as his top aides telegraph growing frustration with their erstwhile partners at BP.

Nearly two months into the environmental calamity in the region, he's making his fourth visit to the Gulf region -- this time, spending an overnight and the better part of two days. ( overnighter! Now that'll fix the oil leak!)
He's capping it all by using one of the loudest megaphones a president possesses: a prime-time address Tuesday night, from the Oval Office.

Why the shift? The White House is beginning to realize that the political fallout of the oil spill is very real -- and holding office for a year and a half makes it harder to blame the previous administration for evident shortcomings. (But I'm sure he'll try to anyway)

Just as this liar and his top aides didn't fully grasp the scale of environmental fallout, they didn't comprehend the degree to which the response to the incident has evolved into a test of presidential leadership.

The president himself has voiced growing frustration over what he sees as a media-constructed storyline. Yet his actions now, in turning up the rhetorical heat and the personal involvement, play into that narrative. Little if anything the president says or does this week will do much -- to quote the president on what he's indicated he thinks the American people really want -- to "plug the damn leak." But the time for making friends is over.

And the time for more of his bullsh*t on the matter is just heating up!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Obama to address nation this week on oil spill

The Associated Press
June 13, 2010

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama plans an Oval Office speech Tuesday night about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

White House adviser David Axelrod says Obama will talk about the disaster after he returns from a visit to the region on Monday and Tuesday.

Axelrod tells NBC's "Meet the Press" that the president will lay out steps that the government will take to cope with the fallout from the spill.

Friday, June 11, 2010


To Hell with the environmental issues, the fishing and tourist industries, the oil soaked pelicans and turtles, and the destruction of our pristine beaches, Obama obviously has more important things going on.

As Ron Hart, Columnist and Humorist, so accurately described it..."Since the oil spill, Obama has hosted the Duke University basketball team, "worked on his jump shot each day," flown to California to raise money for Barbara Boxer, let Mexico's President Calderon to berate us in our own house, and spent a long weekend in Chicago. Some say he is not engaged in the oil spill catastrophe. In his defense, I think he is following it on Twitter. OMG!"

HART forgot to also mention the time he spent talking to lobbyists, union officials and his democratic myrmidons on ways to tax us more.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


During his commencement speech at Kalamazoo Central High School in Michigan last Monday, the Pathological Liar-in-Chief (PLIC) said: 
"Don't make excuses. Take responsibility not just for your successes, but for your failures as well. The truth is, no matter how hard you work, you won't necessarily ace every class or succeed in every job. There will be times when you screw up, when you hurt the people you love, when you stray from your most deeply held values.  And when that happens, it's the easiest thing in the world to start looking around for someone to blame. Your professor was too hard, your boss was a jerk, the coach was playing favorites, your friend just didn't understand. We see it every day out in Washington, with folks calling each other names and making all sorts of accusations on TV."

He told the students that "pointing fingers,"  "making excuses." and "blaming parents" and everyone else in their lives is not the road to follow.


 For the last year and a half, the PLIC has been using Bush as a scapegoat for everything from the increase in national debt, and our unemployment situation to America's image abroad...and for every other problem his administration is confronted with.

Someone (Malia, where are you?  Talk to him again while he is shaving) should tell him to pull his head out of his royal ass and be more truthful because he's not fooling anybody anymore with his two-faced lies except himself.  Where the hell is the media on this???.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Thanks to Neal Boortz for these thoughts.

Last week our federal debt surpassed $13  trillion...and the average debt per citizen has soared to $42,144.    This is the first time in history that our country has sunk this much  into the red. Say what you will about the spending of previous  administrations, but there is no doubt that B. O. and the Democrats  running the economic show in Congress are on a high-speed track to  America's financial destruction.

Since the inept Community Organizer has taken the reins in  Washington, our government has spent an average of $5 billion a day.  That is almost three times as much as the daily average under George W.  Bush. This means that so far under Obama's presidency, our national debt  has risen $2.4 trillion.

Recently, BO had harsh words for the GOP .. he criticized them for  sitting on the sidelines and not offering any solutions. Perhaps Obama  should direct some of that anger towards his fellow Democrats in  Congress who have refused to vote on a budget this year. Other than  defending our nation, is there a more primary function of government  than setting a basic budget for operations? While Obama has managed to  appoint a debt commission, what real action do you see the Democrats  trying to take in tackling our debt crisis? The answer is that you  don't. That's because this is a crisis that isn't going to win them  votes. It isn't going to win them re-election or union support or local  memorials in their honor. It is going to be an issue that takes real  guts - it is going to take politicians who are not there because they  seek power, but because they want to get this country back on track.  Where can you find such selfless people nowadays? Sure ain't the people  currently running the show.

While we are bemoaning the $13 trillion debt, this is a great column  from Caroline Baum at Bloomberg News:

    "We feel for this  mom whose work options are limited by the need to care for her  3-year-old daughter. We all know someone who has been left jobless,  financially strapped and emotionally bereft by the recession. Yet, at  the risk of sounding hard-hearted, the U.S. can't afford to provide  everyone with food, clothing and shelter, not to mention medical and  child care, college tuition, a low-interest mortgage and a Social  Security check until death.

    As much as this single mom's plight tugs at our heart strings,  using deficit financing to provide her with government subsidized child  care is dangerous to her child's health. That child will have to  shoulder the bill. That's the pain we don't feel or hear about; the pain  that doesn't make its way into news stories, at least not in human  terms; the pain that's no less real, just less pressing."

Do you get the point? Things may be a bit rough for us right now  no thanks to this idiot president and his moronic administration , but  do you realize the burden we're putting on our children to ease the pain  for ourselves?  Wouldn't a loving parent suffer the pain right now so  that their children might have a better life? The pain is no less real.  It is a pain that doesn't make the front page of the news. Forget  swimming pools or choking hazards. Our federal debt may be the single  greatest danger to your child's health.