Monday, June 7, 2010


Thanks to Neal Boortz for these thoughts.

Last week our federal debt surpassed $13  trillion...and the average debt per citizen has soared to $42,144.    This is the first time in history that our country has sunk this much  into the red. Say what you will about the spending of previous  administrations, but there is no doubt that B. O. and the Democrats  running the economic show in Congress are on a high-speed track to  America's financial destruction.

Since the inept Community Organizer has taken the reins in  Washington, our government has spent an average of $5 billion a day.  That is almost three times as much as the daily average under George W.  Bush. This means that so far under Obama's presidency, our national debt  has risen $2.4 trillion.

Recently, BO had harsh words for the GOP .. he criticized them for  sitting on the sidelines and not offering any solutions. Perhaps Obama  should direct some of that anger towards his fellow Democrats in  Congress who have refused to vote on a budget this year. Other than  defending our nation, is there a more primary function of government  than setting a basic budget for operations? While Obama has managed to  appoint a debt commission, what real action do you see the Democrats  trying to take in tackling our debt crisis? The answer is that you  don't. That's because this is a crisis that isn't going to win them  votes. It isn't going to win them re-election or union support or local  memorials in their honor. It is going to be an issue that takes real  guts - it is going to take politicians who are not there because they  seek power, but because they want to get this country back on track.  Where can you find such selfless people nowadays? Sure ain't the people  currently running the show.

While we are bemoaning the $13 trillion debt, this is a great column  from Caroline Baum at Bloomberg News:

    "We feel for this  mom whose work options are limited by the need to care for her  3-year-old daughter. We all know someone who has been left jobless,  financially strapped and emotionally bereft by the recession. Yet, at  the risk of sounding hard-hearted, the U.S. can't afford to provide  everyone with food, clothing and shelter, not to mention medical and  child care, college tuition, a low-interest mortgage and a Social  Security check until death.

    As much as this single mom's plight tugs at our heart strings,  using deficit financing to provide her with government subsidized child  care is dangerous to her child's health. That child will have to  shoulder the bill. That's the pain we don't feel or hear about; the pain  that doesn't make its way into news stories, at least not in human  terms; the pain that's no less real, just less pressing."

Do you get the point? Things may be a bit rough for us right now  no thanks to this idiot president and his moronic administration , but  do you realize the burden we're putting on our children to ease the pain  for ourselves?  Wouldn't a loving parent suffer the pain right now so  that their children might have a better life? The pain is no less real.  It is a pain that doesn't make the front page of the news. Forget  swimming pools or choking hazards. Our federal debt may be the single  greatest danger to your child's health.

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