Thursday, June 24, 2010


I'm sure you know by now that Obama relieved Gen. Stanley McChrystal of his command of the war in Afghanistan Wednesday because of insubordinate remarks by him and his aides in a Rolling Stone article published earlier this week.  But can you believe that this incompetent boob of a president is replacing McChrystal with Gen. David Petraeus....that’s right, this very same Gen. David Petraeus who was pillarized by the Bush hating senate Obamazombies and it's media minions for being a "sock puppet" for President Bush.

Strangely enough,, the media face of the far-left, still had this Sept. 2007 ad up as of June 18, according to their Google cache. But if you go to now, it’s gone. They kept it there for almost 3 years before taking it down....all of a sudden!

That's curious, wouldn't you say? You should check out the YouTube videos from the 2007 hearings on the viciousness of the Democrats against Petraeus---especially the lecture and grilling of the general by then senator, BO, who didn't even give Petraeus much of an opportunity to respond!  They just hated Bush so much that they were willing to sacrifice the security of our armed forces, and our country, to satisfy their own political ideology.

Now however, the BO media corp is promoting the word "brilliant" to falsify the Liar-in-Chiefs selection of Petraeus!  That's right...can you freakin believe the hypocrisy?  The media myrmidons: Chris Matthews, Olbermann, Schultz, Maddow, NBC,  ABC, CBS, MSNBC, et al, are drooling all over themselves when describing what a "brilliant" move this was by the Presidential Boob.

George Bush was portrayed as an idiot back in 2007 for nominating Gen. Petraeus (and for everything else he did).  So now they are trying to backtrack to make BO's appointment of Petraeus look like Jesus delivering the sermon on the mount!

So they blame Bush for everything wrong with the BO presidency, but do you see anyone giving Bush credit for picking out the best qualified general to run the war in the middle East?  And now they praise Petraeus for being the second coming of Christ, and have no choice but to acknowledge that Bush was right to appoint Petraeus...BUT THEY  ARE TRYING TO GIVE THE INCOMPETENT ONE ALL THE CREDIT FOR IT!  WHAT BLATANT LIARS AND HYPOCRITES THESE OBAMACRATS ARE!


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